Landon + Kristen :: Weston Timber Barn Wedding

A garage door.

Landon and Kristen met painting a garage door for their church, Fellowship Redeemer. Who could have EVER imagined that a church service project would bring them to such a decisive moment in their lives? I’m pretty God had a hand in this because it’s easy to see how perfect for each other Landon and Kristen are. And I will add: they love to laugh together. It’s one of the first things that sparked that connection between them.

As you’ll see on their faces throughout the entire day, they have such JOY in life and in each other. Okay, I’m going to go on a seemingly random tangent, but stick with me… One thing God has been teaching me (Julie) lately is that God is a God of laughter and joy. We don’t often envision Him that way, but He’s been revealing to me that life is joyful and to be celebrated. That lesson has been popping up everywhere. How INCREDIBLE that we would get to meet a couple that embodies this lesson; they live it out loud together on display for the world to see. It’s something we sensed the very first time we met them.

We knew from that very first meeting how amazing their day was going to be, not only because of flowers, fun details, and decorations (which DID happen to be pretty darn stunning), or because of the amazing barbecue (which, c’mon… Q39… of course it was fantastic!), but rather because of how they regard each other. Just hearing them talk about their day and each other, you could already get a sense of how much these two love each other. What a privilege to tell this story!

So, without further ado… we welcome you to Landon and Kristen’s wedding day! Have fun sensing the joy as you look through some of our favorites.

Blessings~MIKE + JULIE

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

C Kansas City Spring Sweet Weston Timber Barn Wedding photo

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