Steven + Kaitie :: KC Plaza Engagement Session
Welcome to part two of “Super awesome couples JSi gets to photograph this weekend!” Meet Steven and Kaitie, and welcome to their ah-mazing Kansas City Plaza engagement session! It only took spending nearly every day together for a few years of Pharmacy school for these two to finally realize they needed to be dating. The turning point was that fateful Super Bowl party… And after one ‘first date,’ that wasn’t really a ‘date’, and then the ‘do-over’ first date, it stuck.
After about a month we knew that we were perfect for each other. Neither of us had ever found someone as weird, outgoing, and fun to be around. We complement each other well and he makes me feel complete.
Okay, we just don’t even know where to start with these two. Happy, goofy, playful, weird (in their words, not ours), sweet, romantic, topped off with their collective wicked-awesome sense of humor, all rolled into one cute package. Case in-point: They love, and I mean L-O-V-E eating ice cream together. So much that they are having an ice cream sundae bar at the wedding reception! <insert Julie’s squeal with excitement for all things sugar> So, what could be better than stopping in an ice cream shop to get some ice cream at the session? And all I can say is that it wasn’t ME who dropped newly cleaned engagement ring in the ice cream 😉
Oh man, Steven and Kaitie, Sunday is going to be perfect and we just cannot WAIT for this day to be here! Thank you for your trust in JSi!