Emily | Kansas City Senior

Loooooove this girl!

Emily is one of those kiddos (yep, I just called you a kiddo Emily. Sorry, not sorry…) who makes every person she is around feel welcomed and like they belong. Even when she’s down, she has a smile on her face. I should know, I’ve been her dance teacher since she was three. There has never been a day she has not had a zest for life. She has a vivaciousness that is palpable the moment she walks into the room.It’s been a massive honor to watch her grow up into someone I am deeply proud of. We were SO honored she asked JSi to take her senior pictures.

Hopefully, as you look through some of our favorites from her session you get a sense of the joy that she inherently carries with her everywhere she goes. Hopefully, you see that little girl who I know so well and the young woman she’s turned into (When did THAT happen for Pete’s sake??).

Emily, thank you for trusting JSi with such a cool part of your senior year! Good luck with this big year, have fun, and never stop being the wonderful person you are.

Blessings~MIKE + JULIE

Kansas City urban relaxed dance senior pictures photo

Kansas City urban relaxed dance senior pictures photo

Kansas City urban relaxed dance senior pictures photo

Kansas City urban relaxed dance senior pictures photo

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