Family UNportraits | Wait… What’s That?
Ahhhh… the yearly family photo session.
For so many out there, that phrase brings up a very specific set of feelings from deep inside of you. For some, that might be a feeling of excitement. For others, it might be a feeling of dread or it might fall into the same category as a dreaded task that finally needs doing.
If you find yourself in that second camp… those who’d place family photos in the same category as filing taxes (sorry accountants), then pay close attention.
Photos should be meaningful, AND fun.
“But how????,” you might ask. Well to us, family sessions are for capturing what you love about your family this year, in this season of life. When you feel the closest to your family, what is it you’re all doing together?
When you think about it, that just makes sense, right? If you don’t enjoy posing and artificially smiling at the camera year after year… then STOP doing it! Why keep it up if taking photos and looking at them doesn’t bring you any real joy? Seriously, life is way too short to keep doing things you don’t want to do.
And who decided it was only a wall-worthy photo if everyone was looking at the camera? Not us… but that’s a post for another day 😉
So this year, we say go for it. Bypass that traditional family portrait session that brings out your inner teen angst and let us photograph the stuff that actually matters to you.
This is exactly why we created The UNportrait Experience. If you’re still not sure what this type of session could be like for your family, click here to see more.