Daniel + Lia :: A Heartfelt and Fun Kansas City Wedding

So… by the time a story hits the JSi blog, we’ve seen your images many, many times. Even though that’s the case, as I scroll through this set of wedding images, I’m finding myself smiling my face off!!! Dare you, double dog dare you, NOT to crack a huge ole grin yourself as you look the Daniel and Lia’s wedding story. We think you’ll feel the heart of these two beautiful souls even if you’ve never had the chance to meet them in person… which you should, cuz they’re freakin’ awesome people. If you’ve been around the JSi blog for awhile, then you already know we’ve bragged on these two before. Why not take a look-see at their Engagement Session Feature when you’re done here?

Hands down, this was one of the most heartfelt and FUN days we’ve had the privilege to witness. I swear our job is the coolest!

Daniel and Lia: Thank you for letting us into your lives and into your bubble space. It’s a precious thing to allow another person to see the real you, to be authentic even when cameras are out. Y’all make us feel so blessed! We are grateful to tell your story! Next time we see you better be for our pizza date!

Blessings~MIKE + JULIE

Kansas City fun heartfelt wedding picture

Kansas City fun heartfelt wedding picture

Kansas City fun heartfelt wedding picture

Kansas City fun heartfelt wedding picture

Kansas City fun heartfelt wedding picture

Kansas City fun heartfelt wedding picture

:: Vendor Love ::

CEREMONY | St.Our Lady of Sorrows

RECEPTION | Heritage Hall

DRESS | Amore Bridal



DJ | Platinum KC

 PHOTOGRAPHY |  JSi Photography  <—we hear they are pretty cool!

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5 years ago

Very well and most importantly your shots are unmatched. You have such a gift.

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