Eric + Jenna’s golf course wedding at the Frontier Country Club in Fort Leavenworth was was positively stunning. The weather was beautiful, the people were gorgeous, spirits were high! The ceremony took place overlooking the golf course. The reception, just inside, had nothing short of amazing dance moves! Not kidding, you’ll see… Eric is a manager at Fort Leavenworth Army Flying Activity where he’s also a Flight Instructor (insert schoolgirl squeal from Mike) and Jenna is (nervously shuddering) a phlebotomist. Take a peek at their engagement session in Parkville, MO where we finished their session at Wines by Jennifer, a favorite place of theirs to frequent. (Psst, we really DO love incorporating your favorite hobbies/places/anything into your sessions to make them even more special.)
Eric + Jenna-
You two are incredible! Seeing how deeply committed you are to each other and your loved ones is amazing to witness. We’ve been exceptionally blessed to develop our friendship with the two of you and were HONORED to be a part of your wedding day. We are excited to see the two of you grow in your marriage. And can’t wait to see your new house!! Woot soot-congrats on becoming newlyweds and new home owners!
Mike and Julie,
Every time I look at these pictures they never fail to absolutely amaze me. I do not feel like I missed one single moment of that special day.. Thank you both again for being there for Jenna through everything that has happened this year. The kids were truly blessed when they walked into your studio and met you both.