Fall Family Photos? Book Early! | Kansas City Family Photographers

Fall Family Photos? Book Early!

These temps in KC have been AH-MAZING!! Can we get an Amen!! ?⠀⁣

These cooler temps have got us thinking about fire pits, chili, and pumpkin spice everything! ⠀⁣

What else has been on our minds? Thanks for asking!!

We’re also gearing up for a busy fall family photo season

Mama, you’ve been dreaming of that family session for a while now. You’ve told yourself, “This year it’s HAPPENING.” And girl, if there was ever a year to make it happen, it’s this one!!! With so many things being uncertain about the world as we slide into Fall, we want you to remember that FAMILY IS EVERYTHING. This year, especially, get your family’s memories documented!

So, instead of just promising yourself you’ll do it, get that family session SCHEDULED and taken care of. 

We recommend booking your Fall session early. Why?

Most importantly… prime weekend times are booking up fast!

but also…

You get loads of time to prep.

You get the date you want because you were an early bird. Beat the rush.

You get to check it off your list of things to remember to do later.

Do we need to mention the uncertainty the Rona brings to it as we creep later and later into the year? Early Fall will be ideal.

BONUS: Dad will have plenty of time to warm up to the idea of photos. Let him know though, we are 100%* Dad approved. (*not an actual study but based off an unscientific field survey)

So what’s the next step? Take a look at our family portraits page and fill out the contact form to get your booking started! See ya this Fall y’all!

Click here to learn more! ? Fall Family Picutres

Blessings~MIKE + JULIE

Kansas City family photographers ideas for when to book fall family photos

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